S/I   self initiated - metamorhosis

objective          During my time at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, I made a ton of books. In my career afterwards, things became a lot more commercial fast. But because of my love for bookmaking and printed matter as a whole, I wanted to include some of my self-initiated projects on here.
I had based my book on the poems by Ovid, specifically the book of Metamorhosis. The actual work was a selection of different art-objects, that represented a shape-shift in itself. This book had been my process documentation.
leadtime - 8 weeks
micro typography
conclusion          I love this play on classical and modern type. The spreads look very neat, clean and in order. It gives an instant feeling to the reader as if they are reading an old book. 
When I create a book, I like to treat it as if it's poetry. I care about the rhythm and flow of the pages. I want to create a harmonious experience.
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